Resource Hub

Expanding Resources, Growing Community Action..

How we differ from other local anti-violence services:

+ non-judgmental support

+ shame-free, open minded listening to folks that may continue a life alongside their harm-doer

+ no statute of limitations or crime reporting

+ no ‘proof of harm’ required for folks to receive services

+ holistic financial support programs

+ non-mandatory police reporting

1. Child Care Network

2. Community Transportation Network

3. Lending Circle

A hyper-local, community funds pool for survivors who need small, one-time, no proof required, cash grants.

4. Savings Matching Program

(Approved by Shirley Human, implemented and operated by

A year-long program that supports survivors in building emergency savings by matching their monthly savings up to $55/month.

5. Individual Safety Planning Consultations for Survivors

(Hosted by Shirley Human, toolkit by Creative Innovations Toolkit

These are free, personal consultations for folks to intersect with our coalition of fellow survivors to brainstorm and propose an individualized path to long term safety.  No proof of violence is required to receive this service.  It is for those that desire peer support and feedback-specific to local limitations and assets—in an informal, confidential setting. 


Georgia Survivor Safety Compensation Tool

(Approved by Shirley Human, developed and maintained by**).


Survivor Stories Potluck

(Hosted by Shirley Human, open to local Survivors only)

A fellowship, food, and story sharing event for survivors,  bi-monthly on the 4th Friday, at revolving locations, (TBA).


Survivor Wealth Building Workshop,

(Co-Hosted by Shirley Human, in Collaboration and Advised by professional support team** at

An 8 week program, structured to understand and grow wealth assets and financial stability. Online and in person models available.

External work in Community

E- Learning Modules, Trainings for Survivor Advocates

(Hosted by Shirley Human, in Collaboration with Model Allies and Partners**)

Online resources to train a coalition of survivor advocates.

“Partnered with a Survivor” Community Outreach Program

(Hosted by Shirley Human, in Collaboration with Model Allies and Partners**, see below affiliates)

These info sessions are site specific, 20 minute learning opportunities lead by individual survivor coalition members. Each info session presentation is designed for specific community spaces and detail the unique opportunities each has to support survivors.

Current Options, Partnered with a Survivor

For Salons and Barbershops.

For Banking Institutions.

For Faith Based Organizations.

For Local Businesses.

For Civic Groups.

Long Term Safety Planning Roundtable

(Hosted by Shirley Human, informed by Model Allies and Partners**).

An operational meeting for our coalition (members only) to discuss met and unmet organization goals,  flow of operations, and review services provided.


Model Allies and Partners**

Collaborative Models for Empowerment

We leverage proven partner advocate models and programs to enhance our impact and effectiveness. Our collaborations include:

- ****: A model focused on financial empowerment for survivors.

- ****: Georgia’s official state-based advocacy training platform offering essential courses.

- **Safe and Together Institute**: An international organization that emphasizes survivor-centered practices.

- **University of Georgia's Family Violence Prevention Hub**: A research initiative dedicated to legal reform and policy innovation.

These models are dynamic, well developed programs that enable us to provide comprehensive support and resources tailored to the unique needs of survivors in Northeast GA.

(We are dedicated to your safety & our own and an oath to do no harm. See our privacy policy & liability standards.